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QiSoftware Business Blog

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

QiSoftware Advertising & Utilization of

QiSoftware uses header bidding, Google Adsense, and affiliate marketing to facilitate advertising requests on the many areas and subdomains of the site. Other QiSoftware owned online assets, i.e.,,, etc. use only Google Adsense or affiliate marketing.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

CareerOneStop Job Search Tool

CareerOneStop offers a robust set of APIs for program development of career related tools and services.

Currently beta testing a new job search tool powered by one of CareerOneStop APIs. The following illustrates an initial look at the new tool and its features.

Current plans are to install an intermediate version on the WiredPages Employment page which may become permanent in the future.

The following is a live beta version of the new tool.

Your feedback is welcome, send an email to

Sunday, October 07, 2018

QiSoftware Web Hosting Service, Retired

In late September (2018), a scheduled server move of the domain (QiSoftware Web Hosting site) caused an unforeseen issue, resulting in a re-evaulation of the QiSoftware Web Hosting service offering.

The decision was made early last week to retire the web hosting offering, and links were quickly removed. On Friday, the site ( was moved to a new hosting service and IP addresses updated.

Part of the problem, did not have enough in the way of resources to handle the many Java server side applications used on WiredPages and other areas of

QiSoftware core development efforts have always centered on Java software implementation. In 2002, when QiSoftware first went online, many web hosting services did not offer affordable JSP Web Hosting support.

The problem? If potential clients could not afford JSP hosting, then how could they afford QiSoftware Software? Business dictated offering the JSP web hosting support. went online in 2006, however never really had clients. Contact the FBI if you have questions.

Today, most web hosting services offer affordable JSP Web Hosting support, making QiSoftware's own web hosting reseller offering, an unaffordable "business" & "legal" luxury.

The site, will remain part of the QiSoftware online business network, however now only a background resource.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

WiredPages Business Directory

I have started work on WiredPages and the associated Business Directory.

Although there is a delay in published updates to the main areas of WiredPages, the Business Directory is being revised and updates are being published.

The following illustrates how other areas of, promote the Business Directory.

Currently, work to both areas of WiredPages- involves installing new code snippets to the underlying html pages.

Updates to WiredPages tools & widgets are also in the works, however as indicated, the updates will probably not go online before the security issues are resolved.

The WiredPages Business Directory has always been manually edited and maintained. Automation tools and widgets never integrated, therefore no reason to hold off on updates to this area of the live site.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

WiredPages & the Facebook API

One of the many software services QiSoftware supports, custom tool development using Application Program Interface (API) resources. Refer to this list for some of the supported APIs and demonstrations.

Many major online services, i.e., Google, Yahoo, Facebook (just to name a few), offer API hooks to allow developers and web site owners an easy means to incorporate their data.

Over the years, QiSoftware has developed many tools using API services with one glaring oversight, Facebook. In October 2017, after a bit of research the first Facebook API tool was developed, as discussed in this post.

Recently, in preparation for major updates to the WiredPages News Service, I developed a new interface that incorporates the WiredPages Facebook Page, related events, and Facebook API. To populate the WiredPages Facebook Events Page, I scour Facebook for noteworthy national and international events.

Shown in the illustration below, the earlier Facebook Events tool for my local business community (Hanover, Maryland), the new WiredPages interface and the Facebook event page for one of the listed events (Warner Theater's "The Nutcracker") shown in the results on the WiredPages tool.

Note, the tool demonstrations are running in local mode and powered by my IDE (Netbeans). As mentioned, major updates are in the works for WiredPages, however I am still no closer to providing a more accurate time frame for when the updates will go into production [online] mode.

Friday, February 17, 2017

New Political Officials Interface

In April 2011, I developed a political interface allowing visitors to the WiredPages Government & Education page, the ability to query for political officials based on a United States address.

Illustrated in this post, how the interface used to look on the page.

Almost from the very beginning there were issues with the initial version of the interface, mainly because it required three entirely different input resources- to generate the data.

The initial resources included:

  • Sunlight Labs
  • VoteSmart
  • Yahoo

In 2013 or so, I stopped trying to maintain the political officials interface and then of course, the domain moved to a new IP which caused a security risk for all of the tools I maintain on that domain.

Rather than update my security triggers, I decided to allow most of the tools hosted on to use the "unauthorized use" message. That said, many of the tools still work-- [I can run them from my local environment]- however I will not update the online versions until I can secure my domains. I am not sure when this will happen.

In any case, yesterday morning I found a service that offers the political data as part of their API offerings-- and decided to implement a new interface. This is how the new interface looks- running in the local environment [via NetBeans] on my Macbook.

Also shown, part of the data returned from the API service. As I have indicated on a number of occasions, I am not sure when I will install the new interfaces I have been updating or rewriting entirely, however I am ready to go if I resolve my domain security issues.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Business Support-- Lessons Learned...

I am a software consultant with lots of experience with computer hardware and software. So when I began my business in early 2000, the issues that most have insofar as what to get in terms of hardware and software to help run the business-- were thankfully not mine.

Over the years, I have made some good decisions in terms of computing support and hope to share with others my lessons learned. To that end, I have added a link to an Amazon aStore in this blog's sidebar-- that offers some help with computing and other business solutions for small and home businesses.

For those interested in Amazon's Affiliate program, I have written several articles on Amazon's Listmania feature [which I use on It's Personal]-- however this time I used the aStore feature and added individual products to a category list.

The difference in the two approaches in creating an Amazon aStore?

  • I do not need to be logged into my Associates account to update and publish a Listmania list. And when an updated list is published it is immediately reflected in my online store..
  • It is actually easier to create an aStore using a category and adding products-- but only because it is a bit confusing on how to setup a Listmania and associate it with an aStore.

My rumor mill suggests Amazon's Listmania feature may soon be obsolete -- and currently there is a problem updating the Listmania powering the It's Personal Store. I have a support email in the pipeline to Amazon on this issue. I will provide more details as I get them.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Feeds Break

Yesterday evening, in the midst of the blackouts instituted by Google, Wikipedia and several other large organizations, I noticed one of my interfaces stopped working. I am sure the interface was working earlier in the day, because the page it is on-- is one I check constantly during the day.

The broken feed was on the WiredPages-- Arts & Entertainment page. This morning when I noticed it was still in disrepair-- I did not research the code-- instead planned to put up a temporary xml file that my program would read.

The data for the feed is updated weekly, so simply updating the xml file every Monday would have been a relatively easy task-- until I could find a replacement data source.

That is when I loaded my IDE and looked at the code-- in anticipation of using the new temporary xml file. Turns out-- it was a little more involved than my data source not updating a feed. I corrected the problem without using the temporary xml file. The fix-- would not be an easy repair for someone without my experience.

When my news service was very young-- 2002 or so- XML and RSS were not widely offered. Today they are and what I know think of as the more conventional mode of data delivery between sites. Back then, to populate my site with news headlines I often used unconventional methods to obtain the headlines. Hard? Not for someone with my c background.

Today, of course pretty xml files exist-- that I use often. The data source that broke was not a pretty xml file.

That said-- when I build interfaces for clients-- I do not use unconventional methods to get the data, however often API or web service providers make things hard for developers. A web service or API provider is unlikely to change how the data is offered over the course of a year or two- so not a problem for most programmers or their clients. Unconventional [but legal] retrieval of data-- is less guaranteed to work after a period of time- and the reason most programmers do not offer these services to clients.

All of this to say- if QiSoftware builds your interface-- it will work within 24 hours after a problem arises-- for the lifetime of the application.

I get to issues with my news service when I feel like it -- so if you too noticed the break when I did yesterday-- I made a mistake thinking my data source was participating in the black out [partial] and I did not even investigate the problem until this morning. Your house is not my house. I would have looked at a client's problem long before I did my own.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Web Site Maintenance

Recently, I have been inundated with repairs and updates to WiredPages and other areas of my sites.

Whenever I experience times like this-- I often wonder what other web site owners requiring the same type of emergency "repairs", do. I can stop whatever I am doing, and make the repairs. I am the programmer and designer behind all of the work for my sites.

In that the repairs are mostly to interfaces I maintain on WiredPages-- how is it that I focus business promotion on similar tools for your sites?

Recently, I read a job proposal wherein the job poster wanted a guarantee that anyone providing him with a new PHP script for his project-- also provide a guarantee it would not break within months.

I thought to myself-- well one thing the poster might want to do-- is consider a non-open script language [PHP is an open script language] for his project. I did not bid on his project.

Did you know-- that when web hosts find a problem with a script that requires too much in the way of system resources-- they can disable it very easily, at their discretion? And, if you check the fine print of your hosting agreement-- in most cases-- it is perfectly legal. The script is open source and sitting on their servers.

Java Servlet interfaces-- in most cases, prevents this type of tampering by web hosts. Also-- because the Java Servlet is more efficient than the PHP script, anyway-- the web host is less likely to consider it the resource hog or problem.

So what about maintenance issues for QiSoftware developed interfaces? QiSoftware guarantees the repair of custom interfaces within 24 hours of notice-- for the life of the QiSoftware developed custom interface.

Hosting-Q, QiSoftware's web hosting service- also offers hosting plans with built in maintenance agreements. Read our fine print here. Lower right corner of the sidebar.

Recently, I had several issues that I documented on my personal blog-- and also provided a cost estimate to have the work done on the outside.

I do not take on all clients. I work hard at keeping clients I do take- happy. I also fix-- what breaks. And, I put it in writing.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Zillow API Support

Zillow offers Real Estate and Mortgage data for individual sites and now-- QiSoftware offers API and software support..

Zillow provides a number of options for those wanting to add Real Estate related information to their site, including:

  • Home Valuation
  • Neighborhood
  • Mortgage
  • Property Details
  • Postings

The following is a chart example of the type of information that is offered under the Home Valuation API. The chart shows the property values for a specific property over the course of a year.

In researching selling points for Real Estate related information-- I searched on "What are home buyers looking for online?". I found the following response on the "realestate forum":

In the near future, I will probably provide interactive examples for uses of this powerful API via the QiSoftware Products & Services catalog. In the meantime, if you would like to investigate using this type of data on your site-- you can contact me here.

Monday, December 12, 2011

WiredPages Advertising Plans...

Over the weekend I contacted Expedia to inquire about a direct partnership insofar as advertising for WiredPages, specifically the Dining & Travel page.

You will recall, I had an affiliate relationship with Expedia until last Spring when I decided to discontinue my association with Commission Junction, under whose oversight the relationship existed. Because Expedia has its own API, which I used to create the original CJ/Expedia interface- the interface still works -- as illustrated in the graphic on the right, ran standalone from NetBeans just a moment ago, so the deals are in effect as of the date of this blog post.

My goal-- to put some sort of advertising interface on each of the WiredPages-- where there is currently an open area in the lower right corner. To date- many of the pages already have an existing tool in the area I have designated for this purpose-- and those tools will not be replaced-- with the exception of iTunes on the Arts & Entertainment page. The reason, there are currently two iTunes interfaces on the page.

I like the idea of understated advertising-- and since my goal is to also promote my services insofar as implementation of tools and interfaces that provide data or advertising, these interfaces provide example. Understated. Consistent, without being too "in your face".

Also over the weekend-- Friday, I tweaked the new Amazon Web Services interface making it more narrow to fit in the lower right area of the WiredPages. Shorter pages will have a version of the Amazon interface that only returns one result while pages with more dead space in the designated area- will have an interface very similar to the one illustrated on the right.

I have toyed with the idea of limiting the search categories, to only those consistent with the page where the interface will be installed. For instance, the Sports page's interface offering only Fitness, Exercise and Outdoors category searches. I am still thinking about this.

Time frame for all of this? Spring 2012, unless I get news from DOJ/FBI earlier. Oh no.. she has started discussing the FBI over here too? Yes. Not only am I trying to promote neat things that can be done with web sites, but I also need big time fraud--- that cannot be ignored by the FBI. In that my personal blog, at this time is unavailable for this type of discussion-- I am providing the information here.

Why so far out? Currently, I believe there are outside parties who are interested in taking over QiSoftware and the interfaces. The problem? The interfaces only work with my sites. The only way around this is to take it over. FBI- owes a cease and desist to those parties. I have no plans of handing over my hard work to filth I do not owe. I think part of the reason I am having a banking/hosting legal issue at this time. I reported the problem. I have shown the theft. Other than asking the FBI to intervene, not much else I can do. Go to my bank.. then I run the risk of negating what was said would be done in the first place... vicious circle.

If the legal issue I am currently a bit distracted with is not cleared up by this Friday, I will start a new personal blog for posts like this. The blog name-- New Day.. after a song I like by George Benson.

One way or another- I plan to have all understand- I said no. Get out of my business and off of my sites.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Amazon Web Services: Supported

After signing with Amazon's Associates program in August 2010 I did little or no research into integrating their web services on my sites, however did feel-- if a client wanted this type of service, I could come up to speed with a little research. Work I had done with Commission Junction's SOAP offering and Facebook's API determining factors in my confidence levels.

At the time-- I had done extensive work with Commission Junction, Linkshare and a myriad of other online retailers insofar as integrating money making ads on sites via their respective API offerings-- and at first glance, the Amazon web services looked more complicated than I wanted tackle at the time.

Saturday, December 3rd 2011 while perusing Freelancer gigs-- I noticed an Amazon web services project that looked interesting-- so I decided to do more research. I spent the better part of Saturday afternoon, Sunday and Monday coming up to speed and now feel-- I can support Amazon offerings with ease.

Here is a screen grab of an application I developed using Amazon's Product Advertising API.

The interface is currently installed on, however will be removed today. The installation was about 24 hours and only for testing and to see the type of statistics being reported via my Amazon Associates account. I will not have the stats until sometime after 9:00 am this morning.

The interface is a Java servlet and uses an authorization signing process.

I also integrated the "add to cart" feature which is a big deal to affiliates insofar as getting credit for their visitors' clicks. In this case-- the "add to cart" button generates a popup window for potential buyers to confirm their purchase-- as illustrated below.

In that there will be no online demonstration of this interface-- private demonstrations will be available for potential clients wanting something similar.

QiSoftware offers custom tools for almost any platform using most forms of provider data. See my contact page for more info.

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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Supported Web Services & APIs

QiSoftware provides extensive support to those requiring Web Services or API integration on their sites.

Web Services definition provided by Webopedia:
The term Web services describes a standardized way of integrating Web-based applications using the XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI open standards over an Internet protocol backbone. XML is used to tag the data, SOAP is used to transfer the data, WSDL is used for describing the services available and UDDI is used for listing what services are available...

Popular users of web services include:

  • Amazon
  • PayPal
  • ebay

API definition provided by Webopedia:

API, an abbreviation of application program interface, is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications...

Well known API sites include:

  • Mashery {API Development & Management Provider}
  • ProgrammableWeb {Reference}
  • APIFinder {Reference}

Web Services and APIs that QiSoftware currently supports-- include the following [links are online demonstrations or discussions]:

Web Services [Have Access-- Supported]

  • EBay
  • Google Adsense
  • AgentRank
  • BestBuy {Mashery}
  • Freelancer
  • Groupon
  • Meetup
  • PayPal OnSite Cart
  • Yelp

The TemplateMonster API integration listed above, is not a Java J2EE offering. The rest are.

This support is mainly within the Java J2EE realm. Access to MySQL databases is also supported through JDBC. Though I do not like offering PHP services, especially where ecommerce is concerned-- QiSoftware also supports this scripting language within the realm of API and web services integration.

Server side Java is quick and more secure than scripts. As a matter of fact-- server side Java is so quick-- I have to find work arounds to ensure some of the API providers do not return errors believing limits have been exceeded.. This is an easy fix.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

API Usage Architecture: Why This and Not That.

The following illustration shows the current weather forecast for Wadenswil, Switzerland as provided by the WeatherBug Rest API offering.

Recently, while rewriting the World Weather Tool I maintain on WiredPages- I considered using this Rest API offering.

The reason I did not use the WeatherBug API offering? The explanation is a little detailed. The short response-- I had to rewrite the interface quickly and chose to keep the software architecture I used for the original. The more detailed explanation is provided so potential clients understand their options.

I developed the original World Weather Tool in 2003 when the WeatherChannel first began offering the API XML feed. At the time they also offered a Software Developer Kit (SDK) which included weather image icons. This enabled me to efficiently use Java Applet technology to render the images quickly.

Since then I have developed any number of interfaces powered by API offerings using Java Servlet technology [sans the front end Applet GUI].

Today, most API services-- provide pointers and links to image files [or other resource files], as illustrated above or demonstrated on the WiredPages Technology page where the CNET interface is installed.

I am using local [hosted on my server] weather image icons for the World Weather Tool illustrated below. Originally and still today.

More often today-- I request the image resources directly from the API provider's site. Rendering remote images with a Java Applet would be a little more time consuming [the amount of time the server side Java Servlet would need to process each request and transfer the raw image data to the applet] and in my opinion, inefficient. The Java Applet does not allow direct import of remote resources as a security precaution.

So recently, why did I use Java Applet and Servlet technology for the Eventful Events Interface? I wanted to use the list feature the Java Applet technology offered.

QiSoftware offers custom tools for almost any platform using most forms of provider data. See my contact page for more info.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Custom API Interfaces- Weather Demo.

QiSoftware offers custom interfaces that use popular APIs from various major networks. I plan to add the following demonstration to the QiSoftware Solutions Catalog.

This demonstration uses the WeatherChannel API however, I also have experience with The WeatherBug API.

I have used a myriad of APIs offered by organizations who want developers and site owners to take advantage of their data offerings.

I have not yet provided more detailed descriptions within the QiSoftware Solutions Catalog-- however wish to assure those wanting a custom interface [which adds dynamic depth to a site using API resources]-- QiSoftware probably has the experience you want.

See my contact page for more info.

Note: This version of my JMF Video Applet Player will not work with older Mac operating systems and Java JVM versions.

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Sunday, July 03, 2011

getting back to work

I have been on a mini vacation from work related projects-- and concentrating on more personal issues. Feel I can now slowly get back to work related projects while continuing with my personal tasks.

Plan to implement new tools and interfaces for WiredPages, in particular the Business Directory. I want to offer custom pages-- and forms for service providers.

Lately, I have been asking for estimates for house and auto related work. I would have loved to have gone to a site and looked up a price for some of the work. For instance-- given my house dimensions what is the cost for a power wash? These are the types of interfaces I believe can add value to a service provider's site-- and I would love to add these value added interfaces for business owners.

I am also looking at new promotion initiatives. Hope to get in full swing after the 4th holiday...

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Sunday, March 06, 2011

Video Ads

A new service offering of the WiredPages Business Directory allows advertisers to provide videos or screen shows for their products and services.

I came up with this new offering-- while researching tree services in the area. I found a service that had a video of their services- using a video player offered by a popular nationwide directory service. Visitors to the site could also embed the video and player on other sites-- similar to the YouTube offering. Why would you embed someone else's video on your site? Advertisement.

This offering is on a first come basis-- and right now-- the same cost as a non-video advertisement listing in the WiredPages Business Directory. Existing terms and conditions apply.

Contact-- for more information.

Monday, February 07, 2011


I love the FindIcons site. You can find every imaginable icon you will ever need and they come in many sizes negating the need to manipulate them with graphics software.

Here are several I found for popular online services and requests.

I am not a web designer-- but feel along with my web development skills-- and ability to find the best resources for those wanting new or revamped online presences-- I can more than fit the bill.

Contact me if you want to add or revamp an online presence.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Growing WordPress Theme Collection

I collect WordPress themes. All sorts of WordPress themes. Themes for:

  • Photographers
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Food Enthusiasts
  • etc.

Here are screenshots of three WordPress themes I downloaded this morning:

WordPress Photo Journalism Theme

WordPress Real Estate Theme

WordPress Pets Theme

QiSoftware can customize any theme to specification. Even taking WordPress themes and converting them to Thingamablog themes. This blog is a Thingamablog, however the template is based on the Hosting-Q Blog WordPress Theme.

The following snapshot is the top level folder of my Wordpress Theme Collection. This is only a partial list. I have a whole folder dedicated to newspaper and magazine themes.

WordPress Theme Collection-- Partial Listing

Click here to see the latest theme activated for the WordPress Support Blog, or this top level directory of 3 themes I maintain online. These themes are not WordPress themes, however could easily be adapted for use with the popular blogging content management software [cms] platform. All of these demonstrations are maintained on

I also collect neat utilities and plugins that can be used with themes, either WordPress or plain sites. Utilities include:
  • Ecommerce Plugins
  • WordPress Code Colorer [programmer utility]
  • Faders
  • Lite Boxes
  • etc.

Would love to help you find and customize a blog theme for your site- Contact.

Saturday, January 15, 2011 Domain Registration Renewal

This morning, I renewed the registration for, the domain for the web hosting service of QiSoftware. Registration is handled through enom. The current registration period is now good through June 18th 2013.

Enom Receipt

The following is a graphic link to the domaintools website. Click on the domaintools "Registration" tab to see the following data. Whois Data

Why provide this kind of detail? [1] QiSoftware offers Java Support Hosting to clients without server side Java support for things like the Blogger Calendar and some of the other tools we offer. [2] To show the QiSoftware Web Hosting offering is stable and a core part of the services we offer. [3] To nullify any legal issues or claims as to ownership of Hosting-Q which is not a separate business entity but a service of QiSoftware.

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Business Directory

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