Sunday, June 06, 2021
QiSoftware uses Thingamablog as the content management system (CMS) for most of the site's active blogs. That includes, this blog (Remix), and It's Personal.
This entry provides a "howto" on adding comments and "read more" options to Thingamablog posts.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
I have been working on any number of projects today, including:
- a new page for the QiSoftware Products Catalog page.
- a minor bug fix to one of the Fashion news magnets on the WiredPages Style & Events page
- new logo for Hosting-Q not sure if the colors will stay as they are
- and a new Thingamablog template for a new personal blog I am working on.
Here is a screen shot of the new look of the personal blog--
I like the idea of using Thingamablog as a blogging platform-- because it does not require the same resources as a WordPress or MovableType blog and the database is maintained entirely offline on my hard drive. Because of legal issues-- I always like controlling as much of my online material as possible. Even if I do not need to switch to this new Thingamablog in the near future- once I have a resolution to some of my problems, I will probably remove Q's Wire.. from and maintain a less known personal blog.
I have been busy today.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
I have added to my WordPress theme collection. Looking into providing a Wedding Planner site for a potential client and wanted to see what was available in the way of WordPress themes.
I absolutely love this first theme..
Blossom Weddings
The background image of the girl in this theme is removable so I could add another image more representative of weddings without much problem.
This theme is really not a wedding theme-- but reminds me of a true online journal type theme-- for a lady talking of career, play, fashion and dates.. no frills-- just life.
Girl's Life Journal
I found several others.. I can customize any look or add any features/plugins to suit your needs...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
As many of you know I collect plugins and templates for WordPress. Every once in awhile I like showing the latest additions to my collection.
I tend to like less fussy blog templates and this GridFocus template, which also has a 3 column option, is something I like a lot.
GridFocus ScreenShot
Another I recently downloaded-- but have noticed before, this Connections template.
WordPress Connections ScreenShot
I have been working on a new header graphic for this theme-- to make it more unique-- because a lot of folks like this theme. If you look at its details, you will find it has some very nice features.
Here is another shades of gray theme [Tweaker2]:
WordPress Tweaker ScreenShot
I also added Property-Press to my WordPress plugins collection. Property-Press highlights:
Turn your Wordpress installation into a feature-rich Real Estate website. This plugin creates a custom post type for property listings with added fields for price, address, city, bedrooms, bathrooms, floor space, and much more. It also offers automatic geocoding on save, based upon the address. Using the coordinates,
I can customize any look or add any features/plugins to suit your needs...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
New York Times Crossword API from Warning: The following shows the answers to the current day's puzzle.
Another one of those gig research finds. Is this fair use? At this time-- this is all I am doing with this api.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I collect WordPress themes. All sorts of WordPress themes. Themes for:
- Photographers
- Real Estate Agents
- Food Enthusiasts
- etc.
Here are screenshots of three WordPress themes I downloaded this morning:
WordPress Photo Journalism Theme
WordPress Real Estate Theme
WordPress Pets Theme
QiSoftware can customize any theme to specification. Even taking WordPress themes and converting them to Thingamablog themes. This blog is a Thingamablog, however the template is based on the Hosting-Q Blog WordPress Theme.
The following snapshot is the top level folder of my Wordpress Theme Collection. This is only a partial list. I have a whole folder dedicated to newspaper and magazine themes.
WordPress Theme Collection-- Partial Listing
Click here to see the latest theme activated for the WordPress Support Blog, or this top level directory of 3 themes I maintain online. These themes are not WordPress themes, however could easily be adapted for use with the popular blogging content management software [cms] platform. All of these demonstrations are maintained on
I also collect neat utilities and plugins that can be used with themes, either WordPress or plain sites. Utilities include:- Ecommerce Plugins
- WordPress Code Colorer [programmer utility]
- Faders
- Lite Boxes
- etc.
Would love to help you find and customize a blog theme for your site- Contact.
Friday, November 05, 2010
While perusing Freelancer gigs, I came across a project in which the client wanted a WordPress site to allow for movie reviews. He wanted to be able to play both YouTube and Vimeo trailers so this meant incorporating API hooks for both services and one additional WordPress plugin-- which probably meant some modification to the plugin to insure it worked. Very few WordPress plugins work straight out of the box for all platforms and browsers.
I went through some of the WordPress themes I have collected over the years and came up with several possibilities for the template base.
I also went through my Coral Gallery Clipart book- to see what if any images I could use with the selected theme.
The project had a budget of $250 and only 5-6 days to complete. Given I have looked at the YouTube API but not Vimeo's I was a little concerned with the time constraint. By the time I decided to bid-- the project was already frozen-- meaning the client had already accepted someone else's bid and awaiting the response.
I did not get this project-- however would love to help setup your WordPress site. Contact me for more information. Hosting-Q-- the web hosting service for QiSoftware-- also offers WordPress blog hosting.