Tuesday, December 13, 2011
I have been working on any number of projects today, including:
- a new page for the QiSoftware Products Catalog page.
- a minor bug fix to one of the Fashion news magnets on the WiredPages Style & Events page
- new logo for Hosting-Q not sure if the colors will stay as they are
- and a new Thingamablog template for a new personal blog I am working on.
Here is a screen shot of the new look of the personal blog--

I like the idea of using Thingamablog as a blogging platform-- because it does not require the same resources as a WordPress or MovableType blog and the database is maintained entirely offline on my hard drive. Because of legal issues-- I always like controlling as much of my online material as possible. Even if I do not need to switch to this new Thingamablog in the near future- once I have a resolution to some of my problems, I will probably remove Q's Wire.. from qisoftware.com-- and maintain a less known personal blog.
I have been busy today.