Sunday, June 06, 2021
QiSoftware uses Thingamablog as the content management system (CMS) for most of the site's active blogs. That includes, this blog (Remix), and It's Personal.
This entry provides a "howto" on adding comments and "read more" options to
Thingamablog posts.
For years, Blogger and Wordpress were the CMS platforms used by QiSoftware. A lot of time was spent on comment moderation. In 2010, when this blog (Thingamablog) went online, the decision was made to opt-out of adding DISQUS or a similar service for comment retention and moderation. Over the weekend, the decision to install DISCUS was revised, and both this blog and It's Personal now allow comments. Since comments only show up on individual entries and not the main blog page, the decision to add a 'read more...' link option to selected blog posts, was also integrated. In addition to the updates illustrated above, the following line (or similar depending on your blog style): The preceding line of code should be added after the If you decide to add comments or a 'read more' feature to your Thingamablog blog, it is recommended you save your original blog templates before editing the files.<div align='right'><a href='<$EntryPermalink$>' style='font-weight:bold;font-size:7pt;'>Read More</a></div>
will need to be added to other blog template files.'<$EntryBody$>'
tag and will be needed for each of the following Thingamablog template files: