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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thingamablog Comment Posting

So the only thing now missing with my new Thingamablog Business Blog [this one] is the capability to allow discussion on posts. For me, I am not overly concerned in that most of the comments I receive on my other blogs are either nonconstructive or spam.

Of course, there are any number of offsite commenting systems-- bloggers can use to facilitate discussion on posts and even I have noticed at least one or two Thingamablog bloggers using one of these commenting services.

However, because I rarely use offsite services, including Flickr, YouTube, and other popular services which allow users to store media resources offsite, I looked for other options with regard to Thingamablog commenting.

What did I came up with? I could easily install a MySQL comments database with an integrated CAPTCHA function to collect comments on each post. This would be so simple-- it would be a breeze to setup. The only requirement? You would need MySQL [with at least one database available]and PHP support. A little more complicated-- would be setting up the comment delete function for the blog owner-- however should not be such a big deal.

I am not a fan of blog comments-- so I am not going to set this up for my blog-- just now. The other problem, I have? is overtaxed now-- with both installations of my personal blog and community forums and so setting up another database now-- is not a good idea for me.

That said, I would love to set it up for someone else.

I am a big fan of the Thingamablog Blogging platform. I have solved a lot of the problems insofar as feature offerings-- and believe that if one requires a non-resource intensive blogging platform [uses HTML files] and has a PC or Mac they can install the Thingamablog software [also requires Java-- easily installed from Sun]-- it is one of the best choices. You will of course also need a online site/domain to FTP your HTML and image files to. Even a .NET site can be used with Thingamablog.

If a .NET site were hosting you Thingamablog blog and you wanted to integrate comments on your site-- you would need ASP and SQL Server to setup the blog commenting system. Here again should be an easy thing to setup. And of course you can always -- use one of the many offsite commenting platforms.

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