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Friday, January 06, 2012

Consumer Guide Interface Update

Spoke with a representative from the consumer guide whose interface I installed recently on WiredPages- and subsequently removed within days-- because access was blocked. Reminder, my interface could access their API from, however I opted out of this solution.

Bit of an odd conversation. He called on the premise I had posted a branding question in their forums earlier-- and he wanted to get in touch on that basis- according to his email. He called around 3:15 p.m. on Wednesday. Quite frankly, since he set the call time and it was for 3:00 p.m., I thought he decided to cancel. When he did call-- I was again surprised that he seemed to want nothing.

He did indicate he did not want my API interface to run in "that location"-- and I said okay. I started with the branding question-- but he wanted to talk about the interface.

Business wise-- I am direct. I deal in logic on a daily basis and do not deal in abstracts-- unless to try and understand someone else's. If I did deal in abstracts, as related to business- I would never get anything done. Read my blog posts over the last 6 months. I have gotten a lot done- under less than optimal conditions.

You are a real business person- I do not need to explain this to you. I had already explained in at least two personal blog entries-- I would not be moving interfaces from to

Posting this reminder on the more official business blog-- to see if real business people want to stop wasting my time..

In a movie I saw with William Hurt, who played Hank Paulson-- "Too Big to Fail"-- Hurt says-- "they grinned f'd us". Was this an attempt on his part to grin ...? Why? I knew what I was not going to be doing-- so he wasted his dime-- and the email he sent to set the appointment.. I expect this from government workers. Not real business people.

I am in business. I had already made my plans clear. I repeat, I am in business. Real business people should believe my no- and not waste my time. U.S. government [locals silly enough to interfere too]-- do not have your people call as related to my business. I am owed calls from the FBI and DOJ. I do not expect calls from government personnel unless from those I have indicated.. Tired of telling you this. And believe me - if I am posting about this-- in this blog, you should pay attention.

I got up from the call with a big, huh? Why on earth did he call. I did not feel grin f'd. I felt I was dealing with someone not as clever as he thought he was.

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