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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Pros & Cons...

QiSoftware service pricing structure is outlined here, however meant only as a guide.

The web hosting prices are pretty accurate-- however custom software and design work are done on a per client basis, and the guide should be used for estimation purposes only.

New service offerings are being rolled out-- with more emphasis on design in terms of platform changeovers and customer care. Included in these offerings:

  • Existing template enhancements or adaption for new services
  • Finding the right solutions-- for clients.
  • 24 Support Desk-- the biggest complaint amongst website owners? What did I do to my template.

My own recent issues with--

  • blog post maintenance
  • hosting
  • access to backups
  • best interests of my business

led me in search of services-- in the past, I probably would not have reviewed- let alone tried. I want to do the same research for you.

For instance, who controls my published words led me to want more control over my published words.

When I found Blogger would no longer allow me to port posts to my own site-- I went in search of something else and found, Thingamablog. Do not get me wrong-- Blogger is a great free service...

That said, I am in business and I need more control. How about you?

I am sure, I am not alone. We have all had valuable lessons learned with the first evolution of the internet and I have found lately-- I have been crossing my t's and dotting my i's with a little more thought. Not that I was unwise in the past..

My situation is probably different than most-- which has led me to be more cautious. I am also very logical and tend to look at things in many different aspects-- always asking, what is it I am not seeing.

I can also lay out the pros and cons-- in a more direct manner-- than say someone who wants to sell you a bill of goods, so as to allow clients-- the choice of making the most informed decision for their personal and/or business online needs.

My experience, on many levels can be beneficial for the right clients... and yes, I am persnickety... I like teamwork. I do not like competition. I work hard-- I do not have time for those that believe everything is a debate.

My clients make their own decisions. I give them all the angles.

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