Wednesday, March 21, 2012
When I have tried to show potential clients links with working interfaces- the claim has sometimes been, it does not work. As I have indicated in the past-- all of my interfaces work from my vantage point.
That said, I have been doing some research into server moves for and in the year 2009-- that I am wondering has not caused me problems insofar as getting proper credit with affiliate interfaces. The server moves or migrations were done by my web hosts and only the move required I change name servers.
The two posts I am referencing:
Here is a screen grab of the current hosting IP for which looks nothing like the new IP LunarPages said I would need when they migrated the server. The one LunarPages sent started with 67...

Why is this important-- that the two IP hosts do not agree? First of all you can see that the one listed with Enom is the original-- the one before the migration-- but I had to change software interfaces that I run on to the other because they would no longer work with the original. This looks bad. You will note I cannot change the hosting record. But I think this is automatic based on the nameservers. What I can do is change the custom nameservers. Here are the two screen grabs from enom showing the custom name servers I use for

I simply do not quite understand why when LunarPages informed me in late December 2008 that my servers would be migrating in early January 2009-- why the new IP 67... had to be used with my existing interfaces. I also remember it worked for a moment but I had to change the interfaces within days of the migration. I thought this was always odd- and wanted Federal investigators to have what I have in case they had not checked into it themselves.
My interfaces should work no matter who is requesting a page. My feeling is that they are only seen by local U.S. residents. The flag is the Amazon Affiliate Interface I have been using since January 2012, with my personal blog and WiredPages to show the FBI an issue with fraud. The numbers from Amazon simply look incorrect and I am searching for possible reasons.
Both Amazon interfaces [one for my personal blog and the other for WiredPages] are hosted on I do this to protect QiSoftware and since QiSoftware/Regina Thomas own the registration for both domains-- it should line up. It really is not but more importantly neither are Amazon's numbers. I am hoping to help them find the problem in this loud public forum.
Since you can see from the hosting record-- a redacted IP address which is the original [2007] that does not look like the one provided my LunarPages in late 2008, that I cannot change it, I am wondering if this might be part of the problem and if the hosting record is set automatically.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Late Friday, I noticed issues with the Congressional Representative Interface I maintain on the WiredPages Government & Education page.

You will note-- local representatives are being returned but not those for Federal. The odd thing, when I reloaded the interface yesterday it worked fine briefly. This may be a problem for my IP area only-- in that I can pull browser requests using my API-KEY.
Why this issue began now is unclear-- but if it is not corrected by next week I will look into another solution. This note simply to provide I am aware of the problem-- however feel I am dealing with a hard headed individual who did not understand what it was I was I trying to say.
Making a mistake.. Leave my sites and interfaces alone. Yes, I understand this problem is probably an IP dependent problem and my local area may be the only area with the problem. That said- leave it alone.