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QiSoftware Business Blog

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Copyright Reminders

The first version of Q's Wire was online between November 2004 through July 2007. I took it offline-- because it dealt with a lot of body language issues that I previously had not understood. I will learn of Deep Throat in December 2006 and have two blog posts-- one in October 2006 and one in December 2006 explaining I knew nothing in October 2006 and then learned something in December 2006. The post reads so young. I had no idea.

I provide this information to explain why a post about my first version of the Blogger Calendar for WordPress was taken offline. Brief summary-- I developed my first version of the Blogger Calendar for the Blogger platform-- however for a blog sitting on a private domain-- You may remember this post-- "Dating Your Blog". In November 2004 I started a personal blog-- "Garden Pleasures" which I later renamed Q's Wire.

In January 2005 I developed the WordPress version of Blogger calendar and wrote a post. Here is the Unix grep command I did on the directory where I keep all of the original posts for the first version of Q's Wire [larger image can be viewed in a separate browser window]:

Here is a screen grab of the actual posts that were returned based on the grep search:

I developed several versions of the Blogger Calendar-- the latest for the Thingamablog platform.

  • Blogger FTP Private Domain
  • Blogger Blogspot servers
  • Movable Type
  • Thingamablog
  • WordPress

The link from this blog about the different versions of the calendar:

I recently discovered a optimization process that I might add to the WordPress and MovableType servlets that power the applets-- however it will be at a later date. Basically it will force the clearing of a large array I am using in the servlet-- however it really should not matter in that I developed this tool when I still had dial up and the first version had over 2000 posts and I never noticed a problem with the server []. It is a minor adjustment-- and should have no affect other than it makes things a little tidier. Java is supposed to do this type of cleanup automatically-- however I am going to run some tests to see if it makes a difference.

That said-- this is simply a reminder about when I developed the WordPress version of the Blogger Calendar-- January 2005. I also have a lot of tar backups for the site-- between 2004-2007. I was a lot better then about backing up the site on a regular basis than I am now and it takes a lot less time to down load now. Do not go after this.. I can prove too easily I developed the code and when.

Update: 4.11.12. QiSoftware and Regina D. Thomas [Sole Proprietor QiSoftware a legal Business entity in the state of Maryland]-- has had a great deal of interest in the Blogger Calendar [based on the form emails received from the interface on Q's Wire]-- however has never sold a Blogger Calendar nor received a phone call concerning the calendar. If you believe this is in error-- contact the FBI. They should have an open file on Regina Denise Thomas and her business-- QiSoftware.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Congressional Data-- *@<#!...

The government representative interface that I developed for the WiredPages Government & Entertainment page used three different calls to provide the Federal and local for a specific address. The calls:

  • Geo Location Data returning, zip code and Latitude & Longitude coordinates given the address.
  • Sunlight Labs returned Federal representatives based on the Geo data.
  • VoteSmart provided the local representatives based on the Geo data.

A month or so ago- Sunlight stopped returning the Federal data however did start again. Today I discovered VoteSmart no longer returns the local representatives. I knew they were going to a subscription based model however misunderstood that it was mandatory. I have opted to pass on the subscription in that I feel it is too costly for my needs.

I could have changed the program to use the Sunlight local data- however, at this time I am going to pass. It would be relatively easy to use the Sunlight local representative data- however the problem a month ago-- has left me a bit wary and I am going to hold off for now. I can offer a private demonstration for potential clients wanting the more robust interface using either Sunlight or VoteSmart.

Sometimes, I notice a bit of pressure to do things a certain way-- and I believe it may have been misunderstood I would use the Sunlight data for all requests. I do not want others to waste their time on this [pressure that I will ignore]. I am not kidding. I can provide private demonstration of a more robust interface showing all representatives for a given address however, at this time for WiredPages-- it will only return the Federal Representatives.

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Monday, April 02, 2012

WiredPages Testing...

I took WiredPages down early last week because the Congress interface I use on the Government & Education page went into disrepair. The problem, my api key worked however retrieval of Federal congressional representatives failed to return the requests. Direct browser requests using my APi-key worked fine.

I have seen this issue before. I believe it is related to some who feel I should move my interfaces to where the WiredPages site is hosted. There are several reasons some may try to force this. I use security triggers within the interfaces and I believe some are hoping I will change them and triggers- to get them to run on sites I have not authorized them to run on. I am not.

I may put the site back up sooner rather than later and will start testing today-- however wish to remind all-- I have no deals associated with advertising on WiredPages with the exception of these affiliate partners.

  • Indeed
  • itunes
  • Amazon

What this means-- because these are affiliate ads-- I can take the site down whenever I like. If someone contacts you about payment for a link listed on WiredPages belonging to your organization or business-- you should contact the FBI. Until I get prepaid advertising-- I can take the site down whenever I like-- so those trying to get unauthorized payments should cease at once. WiredPages and QiSoftware belong to Regina D. Thomas. Affiliate marketing also belongs to Regina D. Thomas accounts. Payment to others from WiredPages constitutes fraud. I do not like coercion, trickery nor threats. Do not keep making the same mistakes.

Today, I called the Department of Justice to check the status of Internet fraud claims-- among other things. I am still waiting on a callback. Explanation as to why I would reinstall the site today. I also once again, provided my business site- so they could check. Thought it would be a good idea to show WiredPages up and running.

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