Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Amongst my many interests-- outside of business and technology, is my love of style and fashion. I belong to several social groups in the Washington DC metropolitan area whose main focus is fashion, specifically Washington Fashion.
A group I recently joined, DC FABB with about 70 members is a new group and its members are some of the area's who's who-- but not necessarily because of their fashion exploits. They like me, appear to have a lot going on outside of fashion, however like me-- love fashion.
And I do love fashion. I am currently on a strenuous workout program that has me working to get back into the fashion styles I love. Why? Mostly because I miss my style-- but the other thing-- I want to do more as related to business with Fashion and Style.
I have several ideas about ecommerce, magazine and event promotion as related to fashion in this area and the many who share my love.
- Community ecommerce site where items from members' closets and accessory chests could be sold.
- Community magazine site.
- Community Fashion events promotions [calendars], I have plugins for WordPress as well as ideas about custom interfaces.
That said-- I have been around awhile. I am not a fan of "Bad Girls" nor "Housewives...." shows. Muted-- "Housewives of New York" looks classy and interesting. Unmuted it does not. I work a lot. I love constructive projects. Hard work, good taste, interesting ideas-- sell. Conflict and trash may sell but not in my world. Love to work with all who share my interests... I am smart. I do have good taste. I wrote this post for this blog-- to brag? No, I wrote this post for this blog to send a strong message.