Tuesday, July 06, 2010
This blog is relatively new and replaced the first QiSoftware business blog -- a blogger blog. You may recall, earlier this year I switched to the Thingamablog platform because blogger.com was no longer going to support FTP. My business and personal blogs are always hosted on my private sites- the reason for the switch. I do maintain demonstration blogs offsite.
That briefly explained again-- this post is not about my business blog[s]. This post is about my news service and showcase site-- WiredPages. One of the first entries I posted on my original business blog was in part-- about WiredPages. At the time-- WiredPages was about a month old. Those of you familiar with QiSoftware and me-- need no introduction, however I just realized I have not formally introduced WiredPages in any posts to this new blog-- though I have discussed interfaces I have added or indirectly a WiredPages service.
Here is a snapshot of the WiredPages home page-- also used as the logo on the WiredPages Facebook page:
So why have I titled this post-- "Job Hunting"? Recently, I added two new interfaces to the Employment page that I feel could be very useful to those seeking a career change. The first is an Indeed Job Search portal and the second recent headlines and links of the Wall Street Journal's Career articles. Here is a snapshot of the interfaces as they are integrated into the page.
WiredPages-- offers many useful tools and tries to show rather than discuss what QiSoftware offers. The new Employment interfaces-- I feel, continue in the same vein.