Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Most of QiSoftware Java tools and interfaces require server side Java support or what is known as JSP supported web hosting. Demonstrations of some of those interfaces are provided on WiredPages and in the QiSoftware Product Catalog.
That said, some of the tools like the WordPress or MovableType versions of the Blogger Calendar do not require server side JSP support-- but currently do use the server side interface. The Blogger Calendar installed on this blog- is not powered by a server side servlet-- only a Java applet.
Why do I not need a Java Servlet for Blogging platforms using local MySQL databases? Because a Java Applet can connect directly to a local database sitting on the same server.
Why did I not develop the WordPress and MovableType versions of the Blogger Calendar sans the servlet in the first place? I developed the Blogger version of the calendar [September 2004] first, and to convince other bloggers that were using the blogspot servers- I had to use the Java Servlet back-end.
The first QiSoftware Business Blog was powered by Blogger however I used FTP to host the blog on my server []. So, like this blog-- I really did not require the back-end servlet. When I later developed the WordPress and MovableType versions-- I kept the same architecture- but really did not need too. In other words-- if you are hosting your own WordPress or Movable Type blog-- you can run a Blogger Calendar without server side support. I cannot support hosted blogs because I cannot access their databases with either a servlet nor applet.
Another tool that no longer requires a server side-- servlet, the Celebrity Birthday Interface I maintain on the Wiredpages Style & Events page.
The reason? To populate the database, each new day of the year-- the program inserted the celebrity birthdays for that day to the database. The database now has an entire year of birthdays. A stand alone Java Applet can now-- connect directly with the database sitting on my server-- negating the need for server side Java [Servlet] support.
Today, if someone wanted a similar tool what would I need to do? Provide detailed instructions on installing the MySQL database [that I provide] or provide me with access so that I can install the database on their server and supply them with a custom Celebrity Birthday Applet that runs from their site. I would also provide a PHP script to allow automated updates with a non transferable maintenance support agreement for as long as you use the tool.
Applets are like Flash or image files. Most browsers run Applets like they run Flash.
The other great thing about Java Applets? They are compact. QiSoftware Applets are normally about 8000 bytes in size. Less than most graphic or image files.
The cost for a custom Applet? The Birthday Applet-- about $25.00 which includes the database. Others- contact me or see the QiSoftware Pricing information which I provide via the site.
QiSoftware offers custom tools for almost any platform using most forms of provider data. See my contact page for more info.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The following illustration shows the current weather forecast for Wadenswil, Switzerland as provided by the WeatherBug Rest API offering.
Recently, while rewriting the World Weather Tool I maintain on WiredPages- I considered using this Rest API offering.
The reason I did not use the WeatherBug API offering? The explanation is a little detailed. The short response-- I had to rewrite the interface quickly and chose to keep the software architecture I used for the original. The more detailed explanation is provided so potential clients understand their options.
I developed the original World Weather Tool in 2003 when the WeatherChannel first began offering the API XML feed. At the time they also offered a Software Developer Kit (SDK) which included weather image icons. This enabled me to efficiently use Java Applet technology to render the images quickly.
Since then I have developed any number of interfaces powered by API offerings using Java Servlet technology [sans the front end Applet GUI].
Today, most API services-- provide pointers and links to image files [or other resource files], as illustrated above or demonstrated on the WiredPages Technology page where the CNET interface is installed.
I am using local [hosted on my server] weather image icons for the World Weather Tool illustrated below. Originally and still today.
More often today-- I request the image resources directly from the API provider's site. Rendering remote images with a Java Applet would be a little more time consuming [the amount of time the server side Java Servlet would need to process each request and transfer the raw image data to the applet] and in my opinion, inefficient. The Java Applet does not allow direct import of remote resources as a security precaution.
So recently, why did I use Java Applet and Servlet technology for the Eventful Events Interface? I wanted to use the list feature the Java Applet technology offered.
QiSoftware offers custom tools for almost any platform using most forms of provider data. See my contact page for more info.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
QiSoftware offers custom interfaces that use popular APIs from various major networks. I plan to add the following demonstration to the QiSoftware Solutions Catalog.
This demonstration uses the WeatherChannel API however, I also have experience with The WeatherBug API.
I have used a myriad of APIs offered by organizations who want developers and site owners to take advantage of their data offerings.
I have not yet provided more detailed descriptions within the QiSoftware Solutions Catalog-- however wish to assure those wanting a custom interface [which adds dynamic depth to a site using API resources]-- QiSoftware probably has the experience you want.
See my contact page for more info.
Note: This version of my JMF Video Applet Player will not work with older Mac operating systems and Java JVM versions.