Sunday, May 23, 2010
Customization of interfaces for clients who have partnered with advertisers through major ad networks [i.e., Commission Junction, Linkshare, etc.], is an area I am constantly researching, and coming up with new ideas and ways to demonstrate the flexibility I can offer those needing these types of services.
I have done quite a bit of work with all of the major ad networks and have implemented several interfaces on WiredPages for demonstration.
The latest-- a search interface for one of my cosmetic CJ affiliates. The interface allows for the complete search of the advertiser's inventory. An illustration of the interface is on the right. The working interface is found on the WiredPages Style & Events page.
My interfaces are written using Java servlet technology, therefore making it more difficult for others to hijack or take credit for ads running on your sites. This is one of the areas that causes publishers to lose quite a bit of revenue. The other? The use of cookies by the major ad networks-- as a tracking mechanism.
I would love to build your next custom interface-- contact.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Regina D. Thomas Software Consultant QiSoftware 8630-M Guilford RD #276 Columbia, MD 21046 USA | Work:443-393-6650 Mobile:301-233-7899 Email: WiredPages :: BusBlog :: Q's Wire... | ![]() | |
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Recently, while researching for a gig I want to support, I checked out the availability of WordPress templates for the latest release of the program.
Templates for WordPress have evolved quite a bit since I started using the platform in November '04. With most of my WordPress blogs [have about 4], I maintain the original template structure, which is often a pain in the neck when upgrading to the latest release of the program.
When supporting custom WordPress installations, I always install the latest version of the program and use the default template structure for the release. This to ensure future updates are achieved with ease and in most cases can be performed by the client who may not be interested in the internal workings of WordPress.
To ensure I use the latest template structures, I locate WordPress "plain templates" and add the client's style requirements. I have been using a Template called PlainText to achieve this. An example of this template using the main page of my personal blog, is found here.
Last night, I found a more recent template that I think others may like for their own experiments. The template is called-- Constructor.