Sunday, March 14, 2021
Recent, major updates to the WiredPages Employment page, provided an opportunity to recheck other tools and data sources already available on the page.
It turns out, the Department of Labor has updated many of the occupational titles and their associated codes, so the Occupation Wage Data, research tool, developed using a CareerOneStop API, made requests of the resource that were no longer valid.
This discovery, made only today, was an easy fix (used Excel to massage the data, for inclusion in the program), however other updates I wanted to make to the table, I felt were a little more time consuming.
Mainly, the color scheme of the research tool. Illustrations below, show the old table color scheme and the Excel data providing the updated list of occupational titles and codes.

The image below shows the new color scheme as well as some of the other widgets and graphs recently added to the page.

It is a busy time, and I really wanted more time to adjust new color options for the research tool. This to explain why more updates may be in the works at a later date. Currently, enrolled in a class and have a final exam at the end of the month.
Also note, some of the new codes, Military, etc. are not yet providing results via the API. New wage data for 2020 will be available shortly, though I am not sure if this is the reason the new occupational titles and codes are returning invalid results responses from the API.