Sunday, February 20, 2011
Recently, while perusing gigs I noticed a project poster who wanted a WordPress expert to convert his web site to that environment.
The thing is-- his site was really very nice. The problem? It was entirely Flash. If he wanted to add a page-- he needed a Flash developer. If he wanted to change a menu item-- he needed a Flash developer
Yes, Flash can add some really neat effects. And media players developed using Flash are some of the best on the web.
I have seen a lot of requests on like the one I referenced above. The project posters want something they can easily change if they have to-- without hiring a Flash or ColdFusion developer.
WordPress does make it easy for a site owner to add a page or change a menu item-- if the right template is selected.
Using animated gifs, JavaScript, DHMTL or JQuery functions-- can add special effects to a web page-- that are easier to change than Flash. That said, my caution-- JQuery has some very nice features-- however many are not supported with older platforms [i.e., Browsers/Operating Systems]. Browsers even two years old may not work with some JQuery functions-- and unless you purchase new hardware and operating systems often-- and hope those visiting your sites do as well-- JQuery may not always be the best solution.
Media Players? Flash is still the one to beat-- but these players are really Java players that hook into the Flash Player download that most web surfers use.
Think carefully before signing up to have a site developed that you cannot maintain yourself.

Monday, February 07, 2011
I love the FindIcons site. You can find every imaginable icon you will ever need and they come in many sizes negating the need to manipulate them with graphics software.
Here are several I found for popular online services and requests.

I am not a web designer-- but feel along with my web development skills-- and ability to find the best resources for those wanting new or revamped online presences-- I can more than fit the bill.
Contact me if you want to add or revamp an online presence.